Acknowledgements and Thank You
Mary O’ Riordan CSB. Ireland. Historical references. (R.I.P.)
Rita Minehan CSB. Ireland. “Braiding the Flame of Brigid”.
Anna Hennessey CSB. Ireland. “Glimpses”
Anita Murray CSB. NSW. Homily Bicentenary Mass 2007
Ann Harrison CSB. NSW “Through All Seasons”
Helena Fouhy CSB. N.Z. Historical background for New Zealand’s first Website.
Anne Phibbs & Trish Hannaray. CSB. NZ. Valued suggestions and Proof Readers.
Jean-Marie CSB. NZ. for her wisdom, listening ear, encouragement & support (R.I.P. 04/08)
Monica Landy CSB who created the Brigidine “Journey and Story”.
Mrs Jeannie Curtis for the production of the website, her creative presentation, artistic skills and patience.
Tim Donaldson for additions to the website.